List of Departments and Offices
12101 Department of Technical Mathematics (Karlovo nám.)
12102 Department of Physics (Dejvice)
12104 Department of Languages (Karlovo nám.)
12105 Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics (Dejvice)
12110 Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering (Dejvice)
12112 Department of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics (Dejvice)
12113 Department of Designing and Machine Components (Dejvice)
12115 Department of Energy Engineering (Dejvice)
12116 Department of Environmental Engineering (Dejvice)
12118 Department of Process Engineering (Dejvice)
12120 Department of Automotive, Combustion Engine and Railway Engineering (Dejvice)
12122 Department of Aerospace Engineering (Karlovo nám.)
12132 Department of Materials Engineering (Karlovo nám.)
12133 Department of Manufacturing Technology (Dejvice)
12134 Department of Machining, Process Planning and Metrology (Dejvice)
12135 Department of Production Machines and Equipment (Horská)
12138 Department of Management and Economics (Karlovo nám.)
Research Centres
12201 Vehicle Center of Sustainable Mobility
12202 Innovation Centre for Diagnostic and Application of Materials (only in Czech)
12203 Center of Aviation and Space Research
Faculty Management and Administration
Offices managed by Vice-Deans
12921 Science and Research Department
12922 Study Department
12923 Department of Public Relations and Cooperation with Industry
Offices managed by Treasurer
12305 Technical and Operational Services
- 12802 Dejvice Building
12804 Horska Building
12805 Herbertov Building
12806 Mariánská Building
12807 Skalice Building
12808 Slapy - Hrdlicka Building
12375 Computing Services Centre
12931 Personnel Department
12932 Finance Department
12933 Accounting Department
12361 Learning Centre Herbertov
12362 Education Centre Mariánská
12363 Recreation Facilities Skalice
12364 Recreation Facilities - Hrdlička