Centres of Competence

TE01020020 Josef Bozek Competence Center for Automotive Industry


prof. Ing. Jan Macek DrSc.;
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Department of Automotive, Combustion Engine and Railway Engineering

Josef Božek Centre of Vehicles for Sustainable Mobility is a part of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It provides research and development of vehicle powertrains and complete vehicles, namely:

  • spark ignition engines (gasoline, gas, alternative fuels) and diesel engines (including heavy fuels): thermodynamics, aerodynamics, turbo/supercharging and chargers, emissions, cooling, engine/powertrain control (mechatronics, modelbased predictive and adaptive control),
  • alternative thermal engines,
  • vehicle transmissions design and optimization (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical powertrains, hybrids),
  • vehicle body/chassis design (including NVH and active mechatronic elements and their control).

The project has achieved extraordinary results, even from a transnational perspective. Moreover, the submitted documents and outputs are fully in content and form fully in accordance with the declared vision of the Competence Center program. The automotive industry with related fields has long occupied an exceptional strategic position in the Czech economy. The opponent committee has no doubt that the results and outputs of the Josef Božek Automotive Industry Competence Center now achieved will further strengthen this long-term position and that the public funds invested in the Center will benefit in the short term. The review committee congratulates all members of the project consortium on the results achieved.

Presentation of Centre



TE01020075 Competence Center – Manufacturing Technology


Ing. Jan Smolík Ph.D.;
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Department of Production Machines and Equipment

The field of manufacturing technology (MT) supplies machine tools, forming machines and new technologies to all other engineering sectors. The project’s main objective is R & D of technical means, solutions and technologies in order to increase the main functional characteristics of machine tools. The main functional characteristics include accuracy, quality, production performance, reliability, cost-efficiency and environmental performance. The project’s objective is to support the technical excellence of the field in the Czech Republic so that by 2020 the Czech Republic will become one of the TOP10 MT producers in the world. 

The project’s main objectives

To enhance technical excellence of the most significant Czech MT producers and to increase their competitiveness and production so that by 2020 the Czech Republic will become one of the TOP10 MT producers in the world (currently placed 13th).

To improve the competitiveness of the Czech manufacturing technology sector by securing its ability to offer machines and technologies with the following significantly enhanced main functional characteristics:

  • Accuracy – particularly geometrical machining accuracy, geometrical and dimensional accuracy of the end product and its machined surfaces;
  • Quality – particularly of produced surfaces, positive impact on waviness, roughness, appearance, etc.;
  • Production performance – particularly short- and long-term production performance of machines;
  • Reliability – particularly increasing reliability of machines and all their functions, and to secure reliability of the manufacturing process and long-term production quality;
  • Cost-efficiency – particularly minimizing unit costs, idle time, service cost and machine production and operation costs;
  • Environmental performance – particularly minimizing energy consumption and negative environmental impacts of machine production and operation.

From 2015 the results of the project will contribute to the year-on-year revenue growth of consortium enterprises by a minimum of 1 % and from 2017 by a minimum of 2–3 %. Thanks to the application of the project’s results, revenues of the consortium enterprises should reach a cumulative growth of approx. CZK 2.9bn during the reference period 2012-2019 (a minimum of CZK 1.5bn in case of adverse global economic situation).

By 2019 to implement the results of the project on 49 new or significantly innovated machines from the production of consortium enterprises. By 2020 to implement the results of the project on a minimum of 50 % of produced machines and technologies.

The TE01020075 project has received funding from the Technology Agency | Competence Centres Call.



TE01020036 Advanced technologies for heat and electricity production


prof. Ing. Jiří Nožička CSc.;
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Department of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics

The project is focused on applying the latest knowledge in the field of heating, especially the expansion of knowledge about the characteristics of fuels, efficiency of equipment, reducing self-consumption and optimization of distribution networks.The research team includes research, design and production organisations, which ensures the implementation of research results into practice. This will strengthen the position of participating manufacturing organizations in the market.

Local website (only in Czech)


EF16_019/0000753 Research centre for low-carbon energy technologies


prof. Ing. František Hrdlička CSc.;
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Department of Energy Engineering

The proposed project is focused on excellent research in the field of CO2 capture from combustion processes (CCS-carbon capture and storage) using biomass – so-called Bio-CCS, and also with utilization of the captured CO2 – Bio-CCU. The research will be specifically focused on oxyfuel combustion of various sorts of biomass in a fluidized bed, which turns out to be one of the most promising technology, and on its complete technological chain, including production of oxygen. Second major research task is oxy-gasification of biomass and the third key task is utilization of the captured CO2 to produce liquid fuels. In the project will be carried out associated research tasks – preparation of biomass for the oxyfuel combustion and gasification processes, separation of condensable gases from final CO2, process modelling and process characterization with datamining.

Local website


653941 Flexible Fossil Power Plants for the Future Energy Market through new and advanced Turbine Technologies


prof. Ing. Milan Růžička, CSc.;
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics

The project aims to improve the responsiveness of turbines in fossil-fuel power plants. The increasing share of energy generated from variable renewable energy sources highlights a challenge of stable electricity supply in Europe. In the medium-term perspective potential energy gaps stemming from the intermittent nature of renewable energy could be best backed up by conventional fossil fuel power plants. However, this requires developing more flexible power plants operation. Current power plants cannot fill this role immediately without impeding their efficiency and engine lifetime through increased wear and damage induced by the higher number of (shorter) operating/loading cycles. New technologies need to be introduced to balance demand peaks with renewable output fluctuations at minimal fuel consumption and emissions without negative effects on cycling operation.
The FLEXTURBINE project has developed a medium to long term technology roadmap addressing future and existing power plants. It is the first step in such technology roadmap and consists of:

  • new solutions for extended operating ranges to predict and control flutter;
  • improved sealing and bearing designs to increase turbine lifetime and efficiency by reducing degradation/damages;
  • an improved lifecycle management through better control and prediction of critical parts to improve competitive costs by more flexible service intervals and planned downtime, and by reducing unplanned outages.

This will allow power plants to react quicker to larger changes in demand and so be better back-ups to variable sources of renewable electricity.

Presentation of CTU contribution

Website of whole project

Open discussion forum 2017(video)

Open discussion forum 2018(video)