Research Activities
Areas of expertise
- Mixing, blending and mixing equipment. Dispersing technology and equipment.
- Heat exchangers (design, calculations, testing, optimization).
- Hydro-mechanical processes and equipment (transport of fluids, filters, separators, centrifuges and cyclones, fluidization).
- Processes and devices for heat transfer (heat exchangers, evaporators, driers, heating and cooling agents).
- Processes and equipment for the mass transfer (absorption, adsorption, distillation and rectification, crystallization and dissolving, extraction, membrane processes).
- Reactors and bioreactors.
- Equipment for Biotechnology (waste processing, biofuels, organic materials, bioplastics).
- Technology and equipment for wastewater and gas treatment.
- Equipment for mechanical disintegration of materials (crushing, grinding).
- Food technology and equipment.
- Technology of production of biodegradable materials.
- Modelling and managing processes, production lines and equipment.
- Experimental determination of physical and chemical properties of real materials.
- Rheological properties of real materials.
- The energy and mass balance and optimization manufacturing lines and technologies.
- Design and construction in the area chemical, food and processing industries, biotechnology and related fields.