Metallographic laboratory
Metallographic laboratory offers fast and high quality sample preparation for subsequent macro and micro analysis of both the light and electron microscopy.
- Grinder/polisher LECO GPX 300 and MTH Kompakt 103
- Saw LECO MSX 255
- Presses LECO PR-4 and MTH Standard 30
- Swiss Honing Tool
- Microtome for thin samples
Laboratory of Electron Microscopy
The laboratory offers full qualitative and quantitative structural, chemical and phase analysis of materials.
- Transmission electron microscope JEOL JEM 2000
- Vacuum evaporator JEOL JEE 4X
- Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 5410
- Scanning electron microscope JSM 7600F with EDX analyser Oxford Inca
- Ion slicer JEOL EM-09100IS
Coating technology
The laboratory offers method of coating and duplex coating. This method is used to prepare films and coatings based on metals and ceramics by plasma nitriding with possible combination of magnetron sputtering (PVD, PACVD)
- Cleaning Line
- Coating systems Flexicoat 850 Hauzer
Light microscopy
Laboratory of light microscopy offers diagnosis and structural analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials and coatings.
- Metallographic microscope Neophot 32 equipped with a CCD camera
- Stereomicroscope Nikon SMZ 1500 equipped with a CCD camera
- Polarized light microscope Nikon equipped with a CCD camera and Nomarski contrast
- Light microscope MTH
Mechanical tests
Laboratory offers a wide range of static mechanical properties of both metallic and non-metallic materials in the range of loads up to 50 tonnes and even at low and higher temperatures (up to 1100 °C)
- Universal ripping testing machine Instron 5582 (10 t) with a high temperature furnaces to 1100 °C
- Ripping machines WEB (30 t and 50 t)
- Instrumented impact hammer PH 300/450 Charpy (up to 300 J)
- Instrumented impact hammer Ceast (up to 25J)
- Ripping machine Schroeder Walter Baiag for polymer samples
Hardness tests
Workplace provides a complete analysis of measuring hardness in the range of 1 mM - 500 N and covers an area of macro, micro and nanohardness.
- Nanohardness tester NanoTest
- Microhardness Tester LECO M-400-G1, universal hardness tester M4C 075/750 and hardness tester LECO V-100-C
Laboratory of tribology
Laboratory of tribology offers a quality evaluation of surface of materials, coatings and layers. Key properties for industrial practice are: coefficient of friction, abrasion and adhesion of coatings.
- Tribometer THT-S-CE 0000 (pin-on-disc) to 800 °C
- Scratch-tester Revetest Xpress RSX +
Chemical analysis
The laboratory offers a complete analysis of the chemical composition by Bruker analytical set and electron scanning microscope with EDX detector.
- The combustion analyser G4 Icarus
- Elemental Analyser G8 Galileo
- Optical emission spectrometer Q4 Tasman
Thermal analysis
Laboratory of thermal analysis provides complete diagnosis mainly of polymer materials by the DSC method (differential scanning calorimetry) which identifies all heat affected processes occurring in the material.
- Equipment for thermal analysis and thermogravimetry DCS Netzsch STA 409PG Luxx
Laboratory of cavitation and erosive wear
Laboratory of cavitation performs modeling of the effect of cavitation and erosive action on various types of material.
- RF disintegrator
- Equipment for determining the erosive wear
Laboratory of thermal treatment.
This lab provides heat treatment processes of materials. In addition, it also addresses the resistance of bulk materials or coatings to thermal loads.
- Containers for hardening media
- One of a series of furnaces