Ing. Pavel Mačák
pavel.macak (zavináč)
místnost: A-302, Praha, Jugoslávských partyzánů
místnost: D-206, Karlovo náměstí
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Článek v periodiku
- Mesh suitability for CFD simulations performed on axial compressor airfoil cascades – Tater, A. - Mačák, P., - Kovář, P., Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 2023, 71(6), ISSN 0239-7528.
- Influence of geometrical design on the cooling process of double annular turbine section – Pařez, J. - Tater, A. - Kovář, P. - Mačák, P., - Vampola, T., International Journal of Engine Research. 2023, 2023 ISSN 1468-0874.
- Searching for the Most Suitable Loss Model Set for Subsonic Centrifugal Compressors Using an Improved Method for Off-Design Performance Prediction – Kovář, P. - Tater, A. - Mačák, P., - Vampola, T., Energies. 2021, 14(24), ISSN 1996-1073.
- Influence of input parameters in radial compressor design algorithm on the efficiency and its sensitivity analysis – Kovář, P. - Kaňka, T. - Tater, A. - Mačák, P., - Vampola, T., Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2021, 15(1), 1-14. ISSN 1802-680X.
Stať ve sborníku
- Modeling the influence of surface roughness on boundary layer transition – Mačák, P. - Fürst, J., In: Engineering Mechanics 2023: Book of full texts. Prague: Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i., 2023. p. 147-150. First edition. ISSN 1805-8248. ISBN 978-80-87012-84-0.
- Shape optimization of blade cascade using adjoint method – Mačák, P., In: Sborník abstraktů Konference studentské tvůrčí činnosti STČ 2022. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2022.
Kvalifikační zpráva
- Tvarová optimalizace lopatkové mříže sdruženou metodou – Mačák, P., Defense date 2022-01-31. Master Thesis. CTU FME. Department of Technical Mathematics; CTU FME. Center of Aviation and Space Research.