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Contact information:

Technická 4
166 07 Praha 6 - Dejvice

e-mail: 12102 (at) groups.fs.cvut.cz
tel: +420 224 352 426

Internal website: http://fyzika.fs.cvut.cz/indexEN.php

Internal Facebook

Head of the Department

doc. Ing. Petr Vlčák, Ph.D.

petr.vlcak (at) fs.cvut.cz

(22 435) 3228

Secretariat of the Department

RNDr. Zdeněk Kohout, Ph.D.

zdenek.kohout (at) fs.cvut.cz

(22 435) 2428
(22 435) 9180

To see contact of each employee and PhD student, please see the link People